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Brain Exercises

5 Brain Exercises To Improve Memory And Cognition

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Most people know that they need to exercise their bodies to stay healthy. But what about exercising the brain? The brains of older adults are often negatively impacted by the aging process. But you don’t have to lose your memory and your cognition as you age.

Instead, you can employ a variety of brain exercises to enhance your memory as well as fend off disorders like dementia and other age-related illnesses. Just as lifting weights helps your muscles, the more you exercise your brain, the better it becomes.

According to a study, those who engage in brain exercises are more likely to enjoy better connections with others and overall better health. Keep reading to find out how five different brain exercises that can help you improve your memory and cognition.

Practice remembering details

One of the best ways to improve your memory is to practice remembering details. Start by looking at a list of words, and then cover up the list with paper so that you can’t see it. In any order Try to recall as many words from the list as possible.

If you can remember more than five, move on to a long list of fifteen words and try again. If you can remember more than 10 words, increase your word count once again until you reach 20 or 50-words. The idea is to challenge yourself and use different techniques each time continuously.

Repeat this technique for things at least 10 feet distant from you in your house or office. Do this brain exercise every day for a month. And You will also be lot better at memorizing information.

 Visualize while learning new things

One thing you can do to help with your memory and cognition is to visualize what you are learning. This technique can be used to learn a new language, remember someone’s name, or recall important dates.

While it may seem complicated at first, all you need to do is create an image in your mind of what you’re trying to learn. The more detailed the idea is, the better.

You may even want to add some sound effects or smells. If you’re learning the Spanish language, for instance, imagine yourself going down the cobblestone street. After about 5 minutes of envisioning this event, you will notice that these Spanish words will come back to you much more easily whether studying or speaking.

Do math in your head

The most important rule of thumb when trying to improve your memory is that the more you use it, the better it will be. One way to work your brain’s memory muscles is by doing math in your head. The simplest example of this is adding two numbers like 7 + 3 = 10.

Of course, the higher order of the calculation and the more complicated the problem, the greater its effects on cognition. A person who can recite the first 15 Fibonacci sequences off the top of their head is likely far ahead in mental acuity than someone who can’t even remember their social security number.

Exercising your mind isn’t just about being able to do complex equations though. You should also try solving word puzzles or memorizing objects. Studies have shown that these activities can help boost cognitive function and reduce the risk of early-onset of Alzheimer.

Learn a Foreign Language

Learning a new language is one of the best brain exercise to ways to to keep your brain sharp and active. There are many benefits to learning a foreign language that includes improving memory and cognition, reducing the risk of dementia, and making you more creative.

But it’s not just about the big picture. Every word you learn expands your vocabulary and forces your brain to think in different patterns, increasing mental flexibility and fluidity. Bilingual people are more cognitively flexible.

This has been associated with better performance on problem-solving and creative tasks. They are more able to concentrate and prevent distractions, as well as pay attention. Our brains develop stronger and more healthy when we employ them in this way.

Learn a new sport

If you’re looking for a new brain exercise way to challenge your brain and body, consider picking up a sport you’ve never tried before.

For example, learning to play tennis or golf will help improve your hand-eye coordination and strengthen the muscles in your arms and upper body. For an aerobic workout that improves cognitive function and memory. Try playing racquetball or squash with friends, taking dance classes, or joining a local softball league.

These workouts are among the best for enhancing cognition since they stimulate numerous different brain regions. As always, make sure to drink lots of water during exercise—about six cups per hour—to stay hydrated and focused. 


your life. You must engage in brain fitness exercises that improve your ability to focus or associate to focus better such as a brain fitness routine. Learning a new sport, Foreign Language, and Visualizing while learning new things are all important brain exercises for developing a healthy and strong brain.

Doing this allows you to exercise your brain on both abstract and concrete levels. While also directing the fitness routine toward goals that will help you improve your life. Therefore, schedule time each day for these exercises, even if you’re stressed out and busy. So, even if you don’t notice any changes right away, maintaining this regimen will pay off in the long run.

What other brain exercises do you think can improve your memory and cognition? Please share your opinions in the comments section.




Mark is the founder of Healthy Body10 and a health and wellness researcher. He believes in a healthy lifestyle of movement combining mind and body together to create the best results in lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. After reading lots of information and implementing on himself, he found the best methods and practices for an active and full life. In his research, he discovered how the environment affects our well-being and health. He believes the key component to achieving and maintaining optimal health it’s with having a balanced life, having good relationships, eating good food, staying active, continuing learning, and being in nature. His methods will produce your best healthy body and mind. 

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