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Work From Home Experience

5 Helpful Tips to have the Best Work From Home Experience

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The COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in many workplaces shifting toward work-from-home experiences. Employees are no longer required to come into the office each day but can work remotely.

If done correctly, studies have shown that this change has led to a happier and healthier work-life balance. For example, a recent survey by Connect Solutions discovered that people working remotely were more productive on average than when they worked from the office.

Therefore, this article will give tips on how to have a better work from home experience!

1. an excellent work from home experience comes from a well-structured day.

Procrastination is one of the biggest reasons people fail to complete their daily tasks. If you want to avoid falling into this trap, start on time! It’s easy to snooze your alarm clock and fall into the spell of saying, “10 more minutes.”

Don’t use working at home as an excuse for waking up late and missing deadlines. The best way to set yourself up for success is by creating a structured routine and following it religiously. If you started at 8 am when working at the office, then this is the time you should be starting at home. The same technique applies to lunch and breaks.

Another tip for having the best work-from-home experience is to prepare your lunches and put together your snacks before work starts. Therefore, you won’t need to worry about having to make food during your day. Finally, use a plan or schedule to help outline tasks that you need to complete and their deadlines.

If you follow these easy tips, you should have no problem staying productive and enjoying your work-from-home experience!

2. If you work from home, get dressed in the morning.

If you struggle to stay focused and finish your daily tasks, working in your pajamas might not be the right decision for you! The act of getting dressed in the morning will help to put your mind in a working state.

On top of this, it will help you prepare for any daytime meetings and conferences that might come up!

3. Set your home up for working

If you have shifted to working remotely and want an excellent work-from-home experience, you need to set up a home office. A quiet and calm working environment is critical to being productive.

The best way to do this is by using an at-home office or possibly turning an extra bedroom into your workspace. Remove any unneeded electronics like TVs or gaming systems to avoid distractions. In addition, set up your workspace with all the items you might need for the day, whether it be pens, notepads, erasers, cellphones, etc.

A survey by claims that 86% of people prefer to work alone when they want to be as productive as possible. If you live with your family or roommates, inform them of your work schedule and hours. That way, they will know to let you work undistracted.

Some other valuable considerations to make when setting up your home office is a sturdy desk, a comfortable chair, and good lighting. You can even add some personal touches to improve the room further. Internet connection is another vital part of the work-from-home experience. So, don’t forget to check your current plan and ensure it can handle your needs.

4. Work in Intervals

A survey by AirTaskers concluded that 37% of Americans were more productive when taking breaks throughout the day. Use this time to grab a snack, drink water, and stretch before continuing to work. Try and keep your snacks healthy and drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.

If you get overwhelmed or demotivated, set a timer and take five minutes to move your body. It’s normal to take some time to adjust to your remote job, but the best work-from-home experience starts by building healthy habits.

Another good idea is to pre-schedule your breaks into your schedule and then take them accordingly. Ultimately, try to find the best system for you and turn it into a habit.

5. Stay Connected with Colleagues

It’s easy to become lonely when you aren’t going into the office and spending time with other people. However, the advancement of technology has made it so much easier to stay connected even with people from different countries. Use this to your advantage and make new friends.

Spend time talking with colleagues or introducing yourself to new ones each day. They will appreciate your effort, which helps create a more positive workplace. It doesn’t need to be a long interaction, but even a simple ‘Hello’ can go a long way.

6. Change Environments

The beauty of working from home is that, ultimately, you can choose where to work. A good work-from-home experience doesn’t mean you need to be in your home. Instead, consider spending time working at a local café or restaurant. The change in atmosphere and environment can be great for your productivity.

However, if you work at a café, ensure they have solid wifi and some privacy. You don’t want to get caught in a noisy place and have a meeting in 5 minutes. Some companies will also offer an in-person office. If you have this option, consider spending a few days of the week working from there. It might allow you to meet some of your colleagues and change your routine.

7. Use a Rewards System

It can be challenging to stay productive at home when surrounded by distractions or family. One way of countering this is by setting goals and rewards that come with achieving them.

If you have a big work task ahead of you, break it up into smaller, more manageable pieces. After completing each one, give yourself a small reward. The reward could be an extra five minutes at lunch or picking up your favorite coffee from Starbucks in the morning. Even something small like this can lead to more productivity and a better work-from-home experience!

8. Be Positive!

Starting work remotely is an adjustment, and everything might not go smoothly initially. You will have good and bad days, just like working from a regular office. You might face obstacles you cannot control, like a difficult team member or a poor internet connection.

Nonetheless, you can manage your attitude and positivity! Smiling and staying positive can lead to a tremendous work-from-home experience. 


In today’s society, finding jobs that offer hybrid or fully remote work opportunities is much more common. With that in mind, planning and following these helpful tips is essential if you want an excellent work-from-home experience!

Working from home gives you more control over your time and can lead to more productivity. This article has provided tips like using reward systems, setting routines, getting dressed in the morning, and being positive!

If you enjoyed this article or have more tips on having a better work-from-home experience, then be sure to share them in the comments!


“Surprising Working from Home Productivity Statistics (2022).” Apollo Technical LLC, 30 Sept. 2022,

Gruman, Galen. “How to Set up a WFH ‘Office’ for the Long Term.” Computerworld, Computerworld, 24 Sept. 2020, 

Airtasker. “The Benefits of Working from Home.” Airtasker Blog, 31 Mar. 2020, “New Study Reveals Workplace Productivity Killers.” New Study Reveals Workplace Productivity Killers, 29 June 2018, 




Mark is the founder of Healthy Body10 and a health and wellness researcher. He believes in a healthy lifestyle of movement combining mind and body together to create the best results in lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. After reading lots of information and implementing on himself, he found the best methods and practices for an active and full life. In his research, he discovered how the environment affects our well-being and health. He believes the key component to achieving and maintaining optimal health it’s with having a balanced life, having good relationships, eating good food, staying active, continuing learning, and being in nature. His methods will produce your best healthy body and mind. 

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