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subconscious mind

5 Subconscious Mind Exercises for a Healthier and Happier Life

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Your brain is an important organ that is responsible for thoughts, memories, and even controlling the muscles in your body! So, like your muscles, you need to train your brain and mind to meet the tasks of daily life. A great way to do this is through subconscious mind exercises.

Subconsciousness is “the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware, but which influences one’s action and feelings.” As a result, the SM regulates your vital body functions like your heartbeat and temperature. Therefore, subconscious mind exercises can bring more power and skill to this part of your brain. Make sure to keep readings and find out what you can start doing today to train your SM and the benefits it will give you.

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How will subconscious mind exercises improve my life?

Let’s start by talking about how subconscious mind exercises will help your life and grow your happiness. Your SM never rests and is always working, whether awake or asleep. In addition, the mind’s subconscious activities will directly affect your conscious activities. Therefore, your goal is to point your SM toward the goals you want to reach.

Nonetheless, if properly trained, your SM will help with creativity, grow your relationships and problem-solving abilities, and direct you towards happiness and purpose in life. The pros of these subconscious mind exercises are great and worth the time and energy it might take to get there.

To clarify, anyone that trains their SM is more likely to be healthy, happy and reach their goals. As an old saying goes, “we are what we think.”

Here are five subconscious mind exercises you can today

Goal Setting

In truth, it isn’t easy to reach your SM, and it does not keep the information it learns as fast as the conscious mind. It takes more work and effort to see the results of subconscious mind exercises. A good way of doing this is by visualizing your goals in life.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What is success to me?
  • What are my goals in life?
  • Where do I see myself going in life?
  • What do I want to accomplish this year?

After you have come up with the answers to these questions, you can begin to think about them using your SM. The mind doesn’t care how large your goals are, but it does want something to focus on and work towards.

For example, walking your dog is just as good of a goal as buying a house or moving to a new city. Whatever the goal, sit down, close your eyes, and visualize yourself reaching it. This will lead to your SM internalizing the information and bringing it out when needed.

Practicing Meditation

Meditation is another SM exercise used to build focus and happiness. If you’re new to meditating, the process may feel awkward at the start. That is okay! It takes both time and practice to feel comfortable and understand the skill.

Here is an easy step-by-step guide on how you can get started:

Step #1: Find a quiet and calm place.

Step #2: Set a time limit and sit with your legs crossed.

Step #3: Close your eyes and feel your body’s natural rhythm.

Step #4: Let your mind wander wherever it wants.

Step #5: Take note of any thoughts or goals you might uncover.

The steps above are great for people who are starting to learn meditation. It may take some time before it starts to feel easy but make an effort to do it daily.

Writing and Journaling

Subconscious mind exercises come in many forms and push you to reflect on your inner thoughts and goals.

Journaling or writing, in general, is a great activity for pushing yourself into a good headspace. All you need to start is a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

What you write about is less important, but some common examples are gratitude journals or daily reflections.  A gratitude journal lets your brain focus on the good things in your life and helps you to find satisfaction with your current place in life. In contrast, a journal of daily reflections might help you to become more in tune with your goals.

Nonetheless, whichever option you choose, the writing is meant to help you understand your inner mind.

Positive Words of Affirmation

If meditation makes you uncomfortable, then this might be a bit on the harder side. Nevertheless, it’s a great exercise to train your SM. The idea of this exercise is to flood your brain with positive thoughts and statements about yourself.

Some examples of things you can repeat to yourself are:

• I am proud of my achievements.

• I am confident in my choices.

• I am grateful for the people in my life.

All the above examples start with “I am” and intend to get your SM to think and act on the positive emotions they create. You are allowing yourself to feel these things and think positively about your life.

Spend Time Reading and Listening to Things that Bring Motivation

As I have noted, the SM is always active; therefore, practicing these subconscious mind exercises can be done at any time and in many different ways.

You are not limited to the boundaries of your home when working on subconscious mind exercises. You can work on these activities while driving or playing sports, among other things.

The content you watch affects how your brain, subconsciously and consciously, thinks. I suggest that you listen to podcasts and YouTube videos and read books that encourage positive thought.

Your SM will start to remember themes and emotions found in the videos you watch or the books that you read. Thus, improving things like happiness, relationship building, and problem-solving.

Helpful Tips For Subconscious Mind:

Eating and Drinking Healthy

Your body and brain both need fuel to work properly, and these subconscious mind exercises are great tools for building success and can easily be done in most places. However, this does not mean you should ignore other healthy practices and standards. It’s important to eat good food and drink lots of water.

Practicing Lots

We advise that you practice more than one form of exercise when training. All the subconscious mind exercises we talked about above can be done daily in little time. It may take learning and hard work to feel comfortable and see results, but it is worth the effort.


In summary, we talked about how the SM is an important part of our brains and plays a vital role in how our bodies work. Therefore, we should use things like meditation, words of affirmation or writing to strengthen this mental muscle. By practicing these exercises and training your SM you will be setting yourself up for a happy and healthy life.

If you want to learn more about SM, then consider reading this article.

If you liked this post, leave us a comment on what you think about subconscious mind exercises and if you plan to start using them in your daily routine!




Mark is the founder of Healthy Body10 and a health and wellness researcher. He believes in a healthy lifestyle of movement combining mind and body together to create the best results in lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. After reading lots of information and implementing on himself, he found the best methods and practices for an active and full life. In his research, he discovered how the environment affects our well-being and health. He believes the key component to achieving and maintaining optimal health it’s with having a balanced life, having good relationships, eating good food, staying active, continuing learning, and being in nature. His methods will produce your best healthy body and mind. 

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