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Communication in Marriage

Communication in Marriage: Bridge the gap

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If someone asks you what the real foundation of a good marriage is. Many could respond with things like love, dedication, honesty, and other similar concepts.

But how often do we discuss the significance of communication in marriage? Simply because two individuals live together most of the time does not imply that they have excellent communication.

Effective communication between the couple is crucial for maintaining a happy marriage and developing a strong relationship with your spouse.

Communication in marriage is not only about words; it is about behavior and other non-verbal communication that conveys immense significance too.

In this article, we will discuss the significance of communication in marriage, strategies for improving it, and several other issues associated with it.

Communication in Marriage

Communication in Marriage: Its Importance

Why is communication in marriage so vital in maintaining a long and happy relationship with your life partner? What part does communication play in a happy marriage? So, let’s look at some examples that highlight how crucial communication is in marriage:

Better Martial Satisfaction

A happy and harmonious relationship is more likely to develop if you and your spouse have established good lines of communication. Better communication leads to more pleasure in a relationship where you talk about everything and therefore fewer arguments or disagreements.


Better Understanding

Couples that converse, discuss their lives or interact with each other daily not only have a greater knowledge of each other, but they also have a stronger tie. There would be less room for misunderstanding or ambiguity if you understand your partner and the problems they could be facing.

Better Trust, Honesty, and Respect

Marriage is a two-way road; you cannot just expect more without giving. Therefore, it helps to develop stronger trust in a relationship. if you are honest with your spouse and provide and receive good comments or disclose other difficulties with total honesty. Communication in marriage helps to develop stronger trust in a relationship.

Better Connection

Better Connection

Your partner can understand your sentiments and emotions when you communicate with them. We realize that it is difficult to put into words your feelings for your partner. However, one of the finest methods to convey your feelings to your partner and foster a closer bond is by being loud and expressive.

The Most Common Mistakes Married Couples Make 

Self-centered Marriage

Self-centered Marriage

When you marry, the marriage is for both of you. However, we may lose sight of this at times, and marriage can become more about you than about your partner.

For example, on your anniversary every year, you want your spouse to make you feel special by taking you out to dinner; you would only arrange a vacation when you could take leave, and you would only travel to areas you enjoy; and so on. All of this indicates that you should put your satisfaction or consent ahead of that of your companion.

Screaming and shouting at your partner

Every relationship will inevitably have ups and downs. However, it is not acceptable to yell at or say hurtful things to your spouse if they make a mistake, regardless of how trivial or serious it is.

Words made in anger often scar the other person’s sentiments or emotions, and this is especially noticeable in marriages with little or no communication. Even if you have a good reason to be furious, resist the urge.

Make sure your message is conveyed tactfully and without inciting hostility or negativity. The goal is to avoid making the same mistake again, and not to express disapproval or sadness.

Avoid competing or comparing

Avoid competing or comparing

Comparing or competing with your spouse is one of the dumbest things married couples can do. With your partner, you could boast about your accomplishments or professional successes.

It is fine to have healthy competitiveness or a competitive spirit with your spouse, but you should never insult them. Additionally, poor communication in marriage might make things worse. Be supportive when your spouse fails and praise your partner when he succeeds.

Different Ways of Effective Communication to Strengthen Your Marriage

You and your partner may communicate in a variety of ways to deepen your relationship. Here are some methods you may use if you want to learn how to open communication in marriage or how to communicate successfully in a relationship:

Talk About Challenges

Talk About Challenges

Every marriage has lows and highs, so it’s important to talk and jointly assess the positive and negative aspects of your union. Such discussions foster relationship development and support individuals in making crucial life choices and adjustments. To maintain the love in your marriage, it is crucial to interact with your partner often.

Have Regular Conversations

You talk about important subjects as well as other absurd events that occurred throughout the day. You like chatting about some amusing things about life while laughing together.

Get goofy and laugh heartily with each other when you are having trouble coming up with conversation topics. Because when you share amusing and joyful moments with your partner, it helps to strengthen communication in marriage.

Avoid drawing hasty conclusions

Avoid drawing hasty conclusions

Without speaking with your partner first, avoid making assumptions or making up your narrative. You can get enraged at your spouse for not returning your call before you even grasp it or give them a chance to explain why it occurred. Discuss your concerns with your spouse so that you may get the truth about their side of the story.

Makes Compromises

  It is true that the easiest answer to an issue is to talk immediately with your spouse while creating a trusting environment. Even under these circumstances, however, communication between the two parties might be challenging due to feelings of bitterness, regret, sadness, etc.

In order to ensure the best communication, you must make some compromises, even if you are not always happy with the situation.  This goes along with being able to listen to one another.



The most undervalued component of maintaining a relationship throughout the years in a marriage or long-term partnership is communication.

This doesn’t have to be the case. Because it fosters trust, minimizes misinterpretations, lessens conflict, and helps us all understand one another, communication in marriage is crucial.

Effective communication in marriage may take many different forms; it is not only confined to words; it can also be expressed via actions, facial expressions, and body language. Being aware of our behavior enables us to interact with others and provides us with self-awareness.

Do you want to share your secret for effective communication in marriage? Please comment below with your ideas.


  • How can we communicate more in our marriage?

You can initially try talking things out with your partner, but if it gets out of hand, seeing a therapist is also a good idea.

  • What should I do if my partner is not interested in talking to me despite my repeated attempts?

So, discuss with your partner to learn more about his motivation.



Victor, W. H. (2018). 9 Important Communication Skills for Every Relationship. Available at:


Kanksha, Raina. (2019). Communication in Marriage, importance and Tips to Improve. Available at:


Farah Haris and Aneesh Kumar P.Lavner, J. A., Karney, B. R., & Bradbury, T. N. (2016): Does Couples’ Communication Predict Marital Satisfaction, or Does Marital Satisfaction Predict Communication? Journal of Marriage and Family, 78, 680-694.


Tam, C. L., Lee, T. H., Foo, Y. C., and Lim, Y. M. (2011). Communication skills, conflict tactics and mental health: a study of married and cohabiting couples in Malaysia. Asian Soc. Sci. 7, 79–87.




Mark is the founder of Healthy Body10 and a health and wellness researcher. He believes in a healthy lifestyle of movement combining mind and body together to create the best results in lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. After reading lots of information and implementing on himself, he found the best methods and practices for an active and full life. In his research, he discovered how the environment affects our well-being and health. He believes the key component to achieving and maintaining optimal health it’s with having a balanced life, having good relationships, eating good food, staying active, continuing learning, and being in nature. His methods will produce your best healthy body and mind. 

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